Sound of Freedom may no longer be available in theaters in your area but it’s not too late to see the film! Here are some other ways to watch Sound of Freedom:
Streaming on the Angel Studios app
Sound of Freedom will be available to stream on the Angel Studios app exclusively for members of the Angel Guild starting October 13th. To learn more, click here.
*Please note that this only applies within the U.S.
While the film will eventually be available to stream for everyone on the app, we don't have an official release date for that yet. Stay tuned for more information!
The Sound of Freedom DVD and Blu-ray are available now at
Digital Download
We don’t offer a digital download option for Sound of Freedom at this time. We’ll let you know if this changes!
Licensing Event Kit
If you would like to show Sound of Freedom to a group of people at a school, church, or other location in the community, we have a "Licensing Event Kit" available in our store, here:
Sound of Freedom Licensing Event Kit
The license allows for public showings of Sound of Freedom. Click the big red button that says "Click Here First to Agree to Terms". Once you've signed the agreement, you can choose from the options and finalize the purchase.
*Please note that the no-disk option does not include digital access.
Other platforms
Sound of Freedom may be available for purchase or rental from other platforms. Feel free to search to see if this an option available to you!