If you are unable to locate an active membership on your account, please verify you are signing in under the same credentials you purchased the membership under. Many customers sign in incorrectly, and it can cause some confusion.
Suggestions: Try a different email address, did you use an Apple/Google login?, did you sign up through Amazon, Roku, or at shop.angel.com?)
If you purchased your membership on the web and would like to cancel, try the following:
- Log in at angel.com/account.
- Click on the "Payments" tab and look for the listing under "Subscriptions"
- Select "Cancel Membership"
- Select "No thanks, I want to cancel."
- Select "Cancel Membership" to confirm cancellation
If you're not seeing a subscription there, it's possible that it's already canceled or that you purchased your membership through the App Store or Google Play Store. You can find instructions for cancelling memberships purchased through those stores here.
We would love to hear your opinion of the Guild and how we could have improved your experience. Please take a moment to leave your feedback for our team. We hope you enjoyed being a part of the Guild and helping Angel Studios decide what shows to make next. Thanks for your support!