Cabrini General Information & FAQ
What's it about?
From Alejandro Monteverde, award-winning director of Sound of Freedom, comes the powerful epic of Francesca Cabrini, an Italian immigrant who arrives in New York City in 1889 and is greeted by disease, crime, and impoverished children. Cabrini sets off on a daring mission to convince the hostile mayor to secure housing and healthcare for society's most vulnerable. With broken English and poor health, Cabrini uses her entrepreneurial mind to build an empire of hope unlike anything the world had ever seen.
When is the release date?
Cabrini will be released exclusively in theaters in the US and Canada on International Women's Day, March 8th.
What is the runtime?
2 hours and 25 minutes
What is it rated?
Cabrini has been assigned an MPAA rating of PG-13 for thematic material, some violence, language and smoking.
Is Cabrini appropriate for children to watch?
Cabrini has been assigned an MPAA rating of PG-13, for violence and thematic elements. You know your teens best, so go watch the movie and, if you're comfortable, invite them along for a second viewing!
Is the film in English?
Francesca Cabrini was an Italian immigrant so the writers and director of Cabrini chose to keep much of her dialogue in Italian to accurately represent her history. English subtitles will be provided during scenes in which Italian is spoken.
Will there be Closed Captioning?
We are making English Closed Captioning, SDH, and descriptive audio available to theaters, as well as Spanish subtitles. Please contact your local theater directly to make sure they have the capability to provide those to you.
Where can I watch it?
You can search for nearby showings at If there are no local showtimes for theaters available, you can also call your local theater and request that they show Cabrini. The more calls theaters receive, the more likely they are to show the film!
How long will Cabrini be in theaters?
Cabrini will be released in theaters in the US and Canada as a full theatrical release. It is not a one-night-only showing. The length of time that the movie will stay in theaters will depend on a few things, such as what other movies are coming out, the popularity of the film, and the availability of theaters.
Why aren’t there showtimes near me?
Cabrini has finished its theatrical run. Thank you for all the support!
How do I redeem free tickets and group tickets?