As an Angel Guild member, you can receive two complimentary tickets to each Angel Studios theatrical release. Follow these instructions to claim your complimentary tickets!
1. Go to and login to your Angel Guild account
2. Click the Guild tab and go to your Angel Guild dashboard
3. Find your selection under movie tickets and click "Claim tickets"
4. Select the theater, date, and time
5. Select your two complimentary seats and go to checkout
6. Confirm your selections and checkout
7. Check your email with ticket details
8. Go to the theater and enjoy the movie!
Here's a visual:
Angel Studios App
1. Open the Angel app
2. Click the Guild tab and go to your Angel Guild dashboard
3. Find your selection under movie tickets and select "Showtimes"
4. Select the theater, date, and time
5. Select your two complimentary seats and go to "Next"
6. Confirm your selections and select "Buy Now"
7. Verify you have the QR code and confirmation email
8. Go to the theater and enjoy the movie!
Here's a visual:
Angel Studios TV App
1. Open the Angel Studios TV app
2. Click the discover logo and look for the banner with your desired showing on it.
3. Click "Redeem your FREE tickets!".
4. Select the theater, date, and time.
5. Select your two complimentary seats and click "Checkout".
After the screen is done loading you will get a confirmation saying your seats are reserved. Check you email for tickets and enjoy the show!